O izložbi
(English below)
tur. bihud ← perz. Bīhūd
značenje: 1. ekspr. stanje omamljenosti, opijenosti;
2. ekspr. stanje nesvijesti, pomjerene svijesti
// biti u behutu
Galerija savremenih umjetnosti Manifesto poziva vas da prisustvujete otvorenju izložbe pod nazivom “Behut u cvatu”, fotografkinje Ajle Salkić - Zidajnerke i uličnog umjetnika Benjamina Čengića - Ziana. Otvorenje će biti upriličeno 31. marta 2023. godine s početkom u 20 sati.
Postavkom “Behut u cvatu” suosnivači Galerije Manifesto predstavljaju se publici u drugačijem svjetlu – ne samo kao organizacioni tim, već i autorski, prikazujući istovremeno vlastita shvatanja o ulozi umjetnosti i umjetničkih prostora.
Imerzivna postavka sačinjena od fotografija raznovrsnih formata i slika različitih slikarskih podloga, praćena zvučnom instalacijom i mirisom, galerijski prostor pretvara u artificijelni ekvivalent okruženja prirode. Tiho govoreći >>Smrt elitizmu, priroda i kultura narodu<<, autori ove postavke zagovaraju umjetnost osjećanja.
Upravo zato, izložba “Behut u cvatu” nije samo poziv da se behut u nama osvijesti, već i istinski osjeti. S nadom da će se kroz imerzivnu postavku, bar na kratko i neutralisati.
Prateći program:
- Radionica fotografije sa Ajlom Salkić, 08. april u 17:00.
- Kustosko vođenje, 12. april u 18:00.
- Artists Talk, 26. april u 19:00.
Svi zainteresovani izložbu mogu posjetiti od utorka do subote u periodu od 12 do 20 časova, te nedjeljom od 12 do 14 časova . Izložba je otvorena do 28. aprila 2023. godine.
About the Exhibition
tur. bihud ← perz. Bīhūd
meaning: 1. a state of stupor, intoxication;
2. state of unconsciousness, altered consciousness
Gallery of Contemporary Arts Manifesto announces the opening of the exhibition "Behut in Bloom" by photographer Ajla Salkić - Zidajnerka and street artist Benjamin Čengić - Zian. The opening will be held on March 31, 2023, starting at 8:00p.m.
With the exhibition "Behut in Bloom", the co-founders of Manifesto Gallery are presenting themselves in a different light - not only as the organizational team but also as authors, simultaneously showcasing their own understanding of both the role of art and art spaces.
Consisting of photographs in various formats and abstract artworks on different painting surfaces, accompanied by a sound installation and scent, this immersive exhibition will turn the gallery space into an artificial equivalent of the natural environment. Whispering >>Death to elitism - nature, and culture to the people<<, the authors of this setting advocate the art of feeling.
That is why the exhibition "Behut in Bloom" is not only an invitation to become aware of the behut in us but also to truly feel it. With the hope that this immersive setting will neutralize it. At least for a while.
The following program:
- Photography Workshop with Ajla Salkić, April 8, @5:00p.m.
- Curatorial guidance, April 12, @06:00p.m.
- Artists Talk // April 26, @07:00p.m.
The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 12:00p.m. to 08:00p.m., and on Sundays from 12:00 to 02:00p.m., until April 28, 2023.