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Pas, ogledalo i porodični portret


Date & Time

Denis Haračić

January 20, 2023. @07:00p.m.


Despićeva 3

O izložbi

(English below)​

Postavku samostalne izložbe vizualnog umjetnika Denisa Haračića pod nazivom “Pas, ogledalo i porodični portret” čini preko 20 radova koji do sada nisu izlagani. Ovim najrecentnijim ciklusom, Haračić se publici predstavlja u drugačijem svjetlu – kao grafičar, slikar i mladi čovjek zagledan u najintimnije dijelove svog bića. Prikazujući različite forme autoportreta, Haračić poziva i posmatrače da zarone u dubine vlastitog postojanja. Koristeći se medijem slikarstva i medijem grafike, umjetnik se apstrahiranim formama poigrava sa mogućnostima predstavljanja vlastitog identiteta, dovodeći u pitanje motiv autoportreta kao doslovnog odraza. 


Serija linoreza i slika Denisa Haračića govori čas svedenim, čas osebujnim vizualnim jezikom, uspostavljajući ono što Ricœur naziva hermeneutičkim krugom – linijom po kojoj se biće “kreće kako bi se vratilo samo sebi”. Međutim, Ricœurova hermenautika sebstva u kontekstu Haračićeve prakse, otvara interesantan dijalog sa Boehmovom hermenautikom slike, inicirajući na koncu raspravu o granicama medijacije između slike i riječi, te ulozi slike i vizualnog u konstituciji narativnog identiteta kao ishoda samospoznaje. 


Galerija Manifesto u okviru pratećeg programa izložbe organizuje i niz događaja. Tako će se 28. januara u 18:00 časova održati radionica monotipije sa Denisom Haračićem. Kustosko vođenje održat će se 04. februara s početkom u 19:00, dok će se razgovor sa umjetnikom održati 11. februara u 13:00 časova. 


Izložba je otvorena od 20. januara do 14. februara 2023. godine.


About the Exhibition 

The solo exhibition of visual artist Denis Haračić entitled "Dog, mirror and family portrait" consists of over 20 works that have not been exhibited until now. With this most recent cycle, Haračić presents himself to the audience in a different light - as a printmaker, painter, and young man staring into the most intimate parts of his being. Showing different forms of self-portraits, Haračić also invites observers to dive into the depths of their own existence. Devoted to the medium of painting and printmaking, the artist uses abstract forms to play with the possibilities of presenting one's identity, questioning the motif of the self-portrait as a literal reflection.


The series of linocuts and paintings by Denis Haračić at times speaks in a reduced, and sometimes in a peculiar visual language, establishing what Ricœur calls a hermeneutic circle - a line along which a being "moves in order to return to itself". However, Ricœur's hermeneutics of the self in the context of Haračić's practice opens an interesting dialogue with Boehm's hermeneutics of the image, ultimately initiating a discussion about the limits of mediation between image and word, and the role of image and visual in the constitution of narrative identity as the outcome of self-knowledge.

Manifesto Gallery will also organize a series of events as part of the following exhibition program. Thus, on January 28 at 6:00p.m., a monotype workshop will be held with Denis Haračić. The guided tour will be held on February 4 starting at 7:00p.m., while the artist talk will take place on February 11 at 1:00 p.m.


The exhibition is open from January 20 to February 14, 2023.

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