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Event Type

Date & Time

DJ Performance

December 13, 2024. @07:00p.m.


Despićeva 3

O događaju

​(English below)

Galerija Manifesto s ponosom najavljuje proslavu svog rođendana, koja će se održati 16. decembra s početkom u 19:00 sati na sada već poznatoj adresi - Despićevoj 3. 


Uz podršku mnogobrojnih partnerskih organizacija, donatora, prijatelja i prijateljica Galerija Manifesto uspješno je realizirala planirani godišnji program i dočekuje svoj rođendan. Radost ostvarenih ciljeva, malih i velikih uspjeha i lekcije tim Galerije Manifesto želi podijeliti sa vama - našom zajednicom zbog koje je galerija i nastala. Pridružite nam se da zajedno plešemo i razgovaramo. 

Za muziku i atmosferu pobrinut će se naše drugarice i drugovi Nadja Si, Marla Felis, Doel, Klabika Collective i No regrets: SixBeats. 


Ulaz je besplatan! Dobrodošli na naš rođendan, na našu ManiFEŠTU!


About the Event

Manifesto Gallery is proud to announce its birthday celebration, which will take place on December 16, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the now well-known address - Despićeva 3.


With the support of numerous partner organizations, donors, and friends, the Manifesto Gallery has successfully realized the planned annual program and is welcoming its birthday. The Manifesto Gallery team wants to share the joy of achieved goals, small and big successes, and lessons learned with you - our community, as you are the reason why the gallery was established in the first place. Join us! 

Our friends Nadja Si, Marla Felis, Doel, Klabika Collective, and No regrets: SixBeats will bring us good music and atmosphere.


Entrance is free! Welcome to our birthday, to our Manifiesta!

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