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T.N.C. | 4x30

Event Type

Date & Time


March 29, 2024. @08:30p.m.


Despićeva 3

O događaju

(English below)​​

Galerija savremenih umjetnosti Manifesto s ponosom najavljuje nastavak muzičkog programa ManifestoLIVE! Muzički performans producentskog trija TNC pod nazivom “4x30” bit će upriličen 29. marta s početkom u 20:30. 

Cijena ulaznice je 4.30 KM, a ulaznice možete preuzeti u Galeriji Manifesto (Despićeva 3).


Performans “4x30” već u svom imenu nagovještava prirodu muzičkog izraza producentskog trojca koji se krije iza akronima TNC (Tomorrow Never Comes). Iako je repeticija intrinzičan mehanizam muzike, posebno elektronske, u izrazu TNC-a ona ipak dobija posebno značenje. Insistiranje na ponavljanju sekvenci, uz uvođenju minimalnih, a ipak primjetnih tonskih i ritmičnih alteracija doima se jednom od ključnih značajki njihovog muzičkog rukopisa.  


Međutim, uz repetitivnost specifičnim se čini i eklektičan karakter TNC-ova izraza. S jedne strane, ovaj trojac krajnje neopterećeno i lagano kombinuje elektronske žanrova. S druge strane, naslanjajući se na melos lokalne tradicije, u svoj izraz povremeno uvrštavaju i autentične vokalne izvedbe, te sevdahu svojstvenu tonsku skalu. Odmjereno kombinirajući stilski kontrast i repetitivnost kao mehanizam komponovanja, ovaj producentski trojac uspješno ostvaruje sintezu sintetičkih zvukova i nepretencioznih prizvuka tradicije. 


Upravo zato priroda muzičkog izraza TNC-a biva iskorištena kao polazište za konceptualiziranje njihovog prvog performativnog predstavljanja u Galeriji Manifesto. Ukupnog trajanja od dva sata, performans je sačinjen od četiri fragmenta –  4 različita tonska ruha iste muzičke osnove. Dio te osnove je i još uvijek neobjavljeni EP If we were Villains koji će svjetlo dana ugledati zahvaljujući argentinskoj izdavačkoj kući Traful. Inspirisan trakom Storming SJJ, te dokumentarcem Desert Storm - Storming Sarajevo TNC performansom 4x30, u ozračju instalativne postavke Crna kutija umjetnika Vuka Đurića, još jednom svjedoči o esencijalnoj ulozi koju umjetnost može imati u ljudskom životu. 


O autorima: 


TNC (Tomorrow Never Comes) čine 3 prijatelja i muzička saradnika: Damir Prohić i Faris Lukovac (Sarajevo), te Miran Kapor (New Yorku). Njihove muzičke uratke do sada su objavili Manual Music, WOLD Records, Submarine Vibes, a u saradnji za argentinskom izdavačkom kućom Traful u maju ove godine predstavit će svoj EP pod nazivom “If We Were Villains”. U saradnji s Dreaming Awake Records predstavili su remiks za pjesmu 'Skylight' od Save The Robot, Treavor Moontribe i Kasey Taylor.


About the Event

Gallery of Contemporary Arts Manifesto is proud to announce the continuation of the ManifestoLIVE music program! The musical performance of trio TNC, "4x30," will be held on March 29, starting at 8:30 p.m.

The ticket price is 4.30 KM, and you can pick them up in Manifesto Gallery (Despićeva 3).


The performance "4x30," already in its name, suggests the nature of the musical expression of the producer trio that hides behind the acronym TNC (Tomorrow Never Comes). Repetition holds a special meaning in TNC's sounds, although it is an intrinsic mechanism of music, especially in the electronic genre. Insisting on the repetitiveness of sequences and the use of minor yet noticeable tonal and rhythmic alterations is one of the key features of their musical handwriting.


However, along with repetitiveness, the eclectic character of TNC's expression also seems unique. On the one hand, this trio mixes electronic genres in a highly relaxed and easy way. On the other hand, inspired by melodies of the local tradition, they occasionally include authentic vocal performances in their compositions, as well as specific tonal scales unique for sevdalinka. This trio successfully synthesizes synthetic sounds and unpretentious overtones of tradition by combining contrasting styles and repetitiveness as a composing mechanism.


This is precisely why the nature of TNC's musical expression is used as a starting point for conceptualizing their first performance at Manifesto Gallery. With a total duration of two hours, the performance consists of four fragments - 4 different tonal pieces of the same musical basis. Part of that basis is the still unreleased EP "If We Were Villains", which will see the light of day thanks to the Argentine publishing house Traful. Inspired by the track "Storming SJJ" and the documentary "Desert Storm - Storming Sarajevo," TNC's performance 4x30, held in the atmosphere of the Black Box installation by artist Vuk Đurić, once again testifies to the essential role that art can play in human life.


About the authors:


TNC (Tomorrow Never Comes) consists of 3 friends and musical collaborators: Damir Prohić, Faris Lukovac (Sarajevo), and Miran Kapor (New York). Their musical works have so far been published by Manual Music, WOLD Records, and Submarine Vibes, and in cooperation with the Argentinian publishing house Traful, they will publish and present their EP called "If We Were Villains" in May this year. In collaboration with Dreaming Awake Records, they presented a remix of the song 'Skylight' by Save The Robot, Treavor Moontribe, and Kasey Taylor.


Sarajevo, 71 000

Despićeva 3

Bosnia and Herzegovina


+387 61 508 603

+387 62 570 919


Tue - Sat 12pm-8pm

Sunday 12pm-2pm

Monday - Not working


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