O događaju
(English below)
Terrine je pseudonim iza kojega se krije umjetnica i muzičarka Claire Gapenne iz francuskog Amiensa. Radi se radikalnom muzičkom projektu zasnovanom na praksi eksperimenta a koji se žanrovski giba na tragu elektronike minimalističkog rukopisa, izvedenog na klasičnim postavkama noisa. Porijeklo auditivnog gena Terrinea veže su uz bend Headwar i 2012. godinu, sa kojim je Gapenne u okviru klasične rock postavke (vokal, gitara, bas, bubanj) izvodila drugačije muzičke performanse – regularnom uhu, gotovo neslušljivog sadržaja. U protokolarnom smislu, Terrine je eksplicitna muzika spontane i neposredne metodologije u kojoj su prepoznatljive strukture muzičke kompozicije zastupljene tek djelimično.
Kao protagonistkinja takvog pristupa, Claire Gapenne je sigurna da tranzistorski zvukovi, audio greške i druge zvučne informacije digitalnog karaktera, mogu lako činiti strukturu muzičke kompozicije. Sintetička melodija, koja je u njenim kompozicijama zastupljena u zakržljalim oblicima, sugerira tek djelimično da se radi o poznatom muzičkom terenu. Apstraktna ritmička repetitivnost time postaje rijetko prepoznatljiv obrazac doživljajnosti muzičkog iskustva. U konačnici, Gapenne oblikuje sekvence, komade i crtice teške prijemčivosti, testirajući time percepciju publike, što njeno muziciranje razumijeva i kao gestu.
Terrine sadrži izvjesnu dozu bunta i otpora savremenom establišmentu i posvemašnom mainstreameu. Njen izražaj generira liniju drugačijeg poimanja muziciranja i savremene kulture danas. U njenim kompozicijama, načinu kako ih koncipira i izvodi, vidljiva je sklonost ka savremenoj umjetnosti – izražajnom obrascu koji rekonceptualizira sadašnjost i stvari zamišlja drugačije.
Terrine je nastao 2013. godine. Od 2014. nastupa zajedno sa Romain Simonom u projektu Me Donner. Tokom 2016. Gapenne je sarađivala sa plesnom teatarskom skupinom Sociétés Accidentelles iz Amiensa. U godini 2017. Me Donner i Les Conférences Bunker osnivaju grupu Les Conférences Donner gdje Gapenne svira slobodnu gitaru. Tokom 2019. godine vodila je Orchestre Inharmonique iz Nice, a od 2021. godine svira u duetu Jazzoux sa Amédée de Murcia (Od Bongo). U okviru prostora Accueil Froid u Amiensu, Claire Gapenne razvija nove muzičke projekte i organizira koncerte drugih izvođača. Terrine zastupa ideju slobodne i nezavisne muzičke izdavačke produkcije.
Nastup Terrine u Bosni i Hercegovini obilježen je saradnjom KRAK centra i Galerije Manifesto, a podržan je od strane Francuskog instituta u Sarajevu.
Irfan Hošić (KRAK Center).
About the Event
Terrine is the pseudonym of artist and musician Claire Gapenne from Amiens, France. It is a radical musical project based on the practice of experimentation which moves genre-wise along the lines of electronics of a minimalistic handwriting performed on classic noise settings. The origin of Terrine’s auditory gene is connected with the band Headwar and the year 2012. As a member of this band and as part of the classic rock lineup (vocals, guitar, bass, drums), Gapenne had distinct musical performances which were almost unlistenable to an ordinary audience. In the protocol sense, Terrine is explicit music of a spontaneous and immediate methodology in which the recognizable structures of the musical composition are only partially represented.
As the protagonist of such an approach, Claire Gapenne is sure that transistor sounds, audio errors and other sound information of a digital nature, can easily form the structure of a musical composition. The synthetic melody, which is represented in stunted forms in her compositions, only partially suggests that it is a familiar musical terrain. Abstract rhythmic repetitiveness thus becomes a rarely recognizable pattern of musical experience. Ultimately, Gapenne shapes sequences, pieces and dashes of difficult receptivity, thereby testing the audience's perception, which understands her musicianship as a gesture.
Terrine contains a certain amount of rebellion and resistance to the contemporary establishment and the all-encompassing mainstream. Her expression generates a line of different understanding of music making and contemporary culture today. In her compositions, the way she conceives and performs them, there is a visible tendency towards contemporary art – an expressive form that reconceptualizes the present and imagines things differently.
Terrine was created in 2013. Since 2014, she has performed together with Romain Simon in the Me Donner project. During 2016, Gapenne collaborated with the dance theater group Sociétés Accidentelles from Amiens. In 2017, Me Donner and Les Conférences Bunker founded the band Les Conférences Donner where Gapenne plays the guitar freely. During 2019, she led the Orchester Inharmonique from Nice. Since 2021, she plays in the Jazzoux duet with Amédée de Murcia (Od Bongo). At the premises of Accueil Froid in Amiens, Claire Gapenne develops new musical projects and organizes concerts by other artists. Terrine represents the idea of free and independent music production.
Terrine's performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the cooperation of KRAK Center and Manifesto Gallery and is supported by the French Institute in Sarajevo.
Text by Irfan Hošić (KRAK Center).