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Open Call | IIM - IIT

Event Type


Open Call

Images in Motion -

Ideologies in Transition

April 03, 2024.


Despićeva 3

O događaju

​(English below)

Otvoreni poziv za učešće u obrazovnom programu projekta “Images in Motion – Ideologies in Transition” 


Galerija Manifesto poziva mlade vizualne umjetnike_ce, režisere_ke, producente_ice, te studente_ice akademija likovnih i scenskih umjetnosti, da učestvuju u projektu posvećenom video umjetnosti. Projekat pod nazivom „Images in motion – ideologies in transition // Slike u pokretu – ideologije u tranziciji“ je kustoski projekat koji za cilj ima istražti i predstaviti ostvarenja video art u BiH, ali i kreirati mogućnosti za produkciju novih radova, istovremeno problematizirajući i kontekstualizirajući savremene ideološke borbe. 


Odabrani_e autori_ce imat će priliku da učestvuju u intenzivnom desetodnevnom obrazovnom programu sačinjenom od niza predavanja i radionica, a koji će se održavati u prostoru Galerije Manifesto u mjesecu aprilu. U ulozi mentora_ice, predavača_ica ovaj projekat će ugostiti umjetnika i montažera Sašu Peševskog, profesoricu i producenticu Amru Bakšić Čamo, montažerku Danielu Kinateder, te umjetnicu i profesoricu Danicu Dakić. 

Zamišljene kao think tankovi i otvorene kolektivne umjetničke vježbe, ove radionice imaju za cilj postaviti temelje buduće suradnje i nove strategije proizvodnje.


Po završetku obrazovnog programa, 6 učesnika_ca će imati priliku da producira vlastiti video rad uz punu podršku kustoskog, produkcijskog i tehničkog tima Galerije Manifesto. Producirani radovi bit će predstavljeni publici kroz kolektivnu izložbu u prostoru Galerije Manifesto. 


Poziv je otvoren do 03. aprila. Prijava se vrši putem linka:


Za sve dodatne informacije, pitanja i nedoumice,

kontaktirajte nas putem e-maila: 



About the Event​

Open call for participation in the educational program of the project Images in Motion—Ideologies in Transition

Manifesto Gallery invites young visual artists, directors, producers, and students of fine and performing art academies to participate in a project dedicated to video art. The project, entitled "Images in motion—ideologies in transition // Images in motion—ideologies in transition," is a curatorial project that aims to investigate and present the achievements of video art in BiH and create opportunities for the production of new works, simultaneously problematizing and contextualizing contemporary ideological struggles.

The selected authors will be able to participate in an intensive ten-day educational program consisting of a series of lectures and workshops, which will be held in Manifesto Gallery in April. As mentors and lecturers, this project will host artist and editor Saša Peševski, professor and producer Amra Bakšić Čamo, editor Daniela Kinateder, and professor and artist Danica Dakić.

Conceived as think tanks and open collective artistic exercises, these workshops aim to lay the foundations for future collaboration and new production strategies.


Upon completion of the educational program, six participants will have the opportunity to produce their own video work with the full support of the Manifesto Gallery's curatorial, production, and technical team. The works will be presented to the public through a collective exhibition in the Manifesto Gallery.


The deadline for submissions is April 3. Apply through the link:

For all additional information, questions, and concerns, please email us at:

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