O izložbi
(English below)
U vremenu kada se sve više iskazuje ratobojazan i analiziraju političko-militantne agende, propituje se i problematizira nedodirljivost diplomatskih i mirovnih sporazuma. Dvadeset i šest godina od potpisivanja Daytonskog mirovnog sporazuma, isti se u praksi radije pokazuje kao Nesporazum, a mir koji iz njega proizilazi biva isključivo obustava paljbe. Ovaj Sporazum s jedne strane je kreirao ambis administrativnog državnog aparata, a s druge, uspostavljajući etno-nacionalne etikete, negira figuru građanina i otvara crnu rupu zvanu podijeljeno društvo. Život koji se svodi na balansiranje između ambisa i crne rupe, začinjen “klasičnim nesporazumom”, predstavlja grotesku permanentne tranzicije.
Izložba "Ne Sporazum" ima za cilj na multimedijalan način prikazati tu grotesku. Radovi koji problematiziraju i propituju određenost savremenog konteksta historijsko-političkim naslijeđem, na kritički način reflektirajući društvenu stvarnost, nemaju za cilj da budu sol na ranu. Oni žele biti kocka šećera koja će okrijepiti zajednicu, omogućavajući joj da uvidi nesporazume, ne bi li ih počela razrješavati. Jedan po jedan.
U izložbi učestvuju: Nikola Radosavljević, Saša Tatić, Nikola Dimitrović, Alma Gačanin, Darija S. Radaković, Haris Kusturica, Dolores Mrnjavac i Vildana Hermann.
About the Exhibition
At times when the fear of war is increasingly expressed and political and military agendas are being analyzed, the inviolability of diplomatic and peace agreements is being questioned. Twenty-six years after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, it positions itself in practice rather as a Disagreement, while the resulting peace is nothing but a ceasefire. This Agreement, on the one hand, created an abyss of the administrative state apparatus, and on the other hand, by establishing ethno-national labels, it denied the figure of the citizen and opened a black hole called divided society. A life that comes down to balancing between the abyss and the black hole, spiced with a "classic everyday misunderstanding", represents a grotesque of permanent transition.
The exhibition "Ne Sporazum" | "Miss Understanding" aims to present this grotesque in a multimedia way. Works that problematize and question the specificity of the contemporary context with historical and political heritage, critically reflecting social reality, do not aim to be salt on the wound. They want to be a sugar cube that will invigorate the community, allowing it to see misunderstandings in order to start resolving them. One by one.
Participating artists are: Nikola Radosavljević, Saša Tatić, Nikola Dimitrović, Alma Gačanin, Darija S. Radaković, Haris Kusturica, Dolores Mrnjavac and Vildana Hermann.