O događaju
(English below)
Galerija Manifesto bit će domaćin predstavljanja prvog izdanja KRAK Magazina, koje će se održati u subotu, 17. decembra s početkom u 19:00 časova. Na svojevrsnoj promociji, govorit će Irfan Hošić, umjetnički voditelj KRAK-a, Mehmed Mahmutović, kreativni menadžer KRAK-a i urednik Magazina, te Adna Muslija, kustosica Galerije Manifesto. Nakon razgovora uslijedit će muzički performans DJ-a Six Beats-a & Ryo-a.
KRAK Magazin je pomno izvedena tekstualna priča popraćena zahtjevnim vizuelnim editorijalima, a zamišljena kao svojevrsno uprizorenje lokalnog portreta grada Bihaća i njegovog urbanog života. Kreiran ličnim i pojedinačnim identitetima različitih aktera, KRAK Magazin osmišljen je da kroz tekst, fotografiju i dizajn predstavi živote drugih, njihove strasti, kreativne energije, prostore stvaranja i imaginacije, ali i aktivnosti koje se tu razvijaju, oblikuju i nastaju.
Format Magazina dolazi iz potrebe da se mapiraju lokalni muzičari_ke, umjetnici_e, dizajneri_ce i drugi kreativni praktičari, kao potencijalni nosioci alternativnih tokova i procesa razmjene, učenja i povezivanja. Magazin sadrži dvadeset dva eseja na bosanskom i engleskom jeziku; predstavlja preko stotinu fotografija; promovira trinaest muzičkih albuma; dokumentira programski profil produkcije KRAK-a.
Urednik publikacije je Mehmed Mahmutović; autori tekstova su Majda Piralić, Irfan Hošić i Mehmed Mahmutović; autor fotografskog editorijala je Mehmed Mahmutović; grafički dizajn potpisuje Adnan Suljkanović; prevod na engleski uradila je Majda Piralić; lektura i korektura bosanskog teksta Šeherzada Džafić; štampa Grafičar Bihać. Izradu publikacije podržali su Fondacija za umjetničke inicijative (FfAI), Turistička zajednica Grada Bihaća i Bosnienfreunde Hamm.
Predstavljanje Magazina ujedno je i prvo predstavljanje KRAK-au Sarajevu, te prvi korak u uspostavljanju dugoročne saradnje između ovog centra i Galerije Manifesto. Upravo zato, ovaj događaj će poslužiti i kao povod za osvrtanje na mogućnosti uspostavljanja međuinstitucionalnih saradnji i važnosti gradnje šire bh. kulturne mreže.
About the Event
Manifesto Gallery will host the presentation of the first edition of KRAK Magazine, which will take place on Saturday, December 17th, starting at 7:00 p.m. Presenters of the magazine are Irfan Hošić, artistic director of KRAK, Mehmed Mahmutović, creative manager of KRAK and editor of the Magazine, and Adna Muslija, the curator of the Manifesto Gallery. The conversation will be followed by a musical performance by DJ Six Beats and Ryo.
KRAK Magazin is a carefully executed textual story accompanied by demanding visual editorials, conceived as a kind of staging of a local portrait of the city of Bihać and its urban life. Created by the personal and individual identities of various actors, KRAK Magazine is designed to present the lives of others, their passions, creative energies, spaces of creation and imagination, but also the activities that develop, shape, and arise there, through text, photography, and design.
The format of the Magazine comes from the need to map local musicians, artists, designers, and other creative practitioners, as potential bearers of alternative flows and processes of exchange, learning, and connection. The magazine contains twenty-two essays in Bosnian and English; presents over a hundred photographs; promotes thirteen music albums; documents the program profile of KRAK production.
The editor of the publication is Mehmed Mahmutović; the authors of the texts are Majda Piralić, Irfan Hošić, and Mehmed Mahmutović; the author of the photographic editorial is Mehmed Mahmutović; the graphic design by Adnan Suljkanović; the English translation was done by Majda Piralić; proofreading and proofreading of the Bosnian text by Šeherzada Džafić; printed by Grafičar Bihać. The creation of the publication was supported by the Foundation for Artistic Initiatives (FfAI), the Tourist Board of the City of Bihać, and Bosnienfreunde Hamm.
The presentation of the Magazine is also the first presentation of KRAK in Sarajevo, and the first step in the establishment of long-term cooperation between this center and the Manifesto Gallery. Precisely for this reason, this event will also serve as an occasion to reflect on the possibilities of establishing institutional cooperation and the importance of building wider cultural networks in BiH.