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It's In The Wind

Event Type

Date & Time

Gallery Play

December 7 - 8 - 9, 2024. @08:00p.m.


Despićeva 3

O događaju

​(English below​)

Galerija savremenih umjetnosti Manifesto sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje premijeru autorskog projekta Alena Šimića pod nazivom “Promjena vremena”, a koja će se održati u subotu 07. decembra u 20:00 sati. Reprize predstave održat će se 08. i 09. decembra. 


U trenutku kada je briga o fizičkom zdravlju, ishrani, tjelovježbi, ali i mentalnom zdravlju i higijeni komodifikovana, te postavljena kao jedna od dominantnih tema javnog diskursa, pojam bola paradoksalno biva potisnut izvan ruba interesovanja. Svakoga, osim farmaceutskih kompanija. Ipak, njihov domen djelovanja konstruisan je kapitalističkom pohlepom i neoliberalnim individualizmom, doprinoseći zanemarivanju fizičkog i njemu bratskog mentalnog bola kao kolektivnog i neizbježnog životnog iskustva. 


Predstava “Promjena vremena” tematizira fenomen hroničnog bola, samodijagnoze i samoliječenja, koji se opiru i farmaceutskoj pohlepi i svim granicama ljudske izdržljivosti. Više od toga, ova predstava, koja je ujedno i prvo postavljanje jednog dramskog teksta u galerijskom prostoru, testira i izaziva individualnu i kolektivnu sposobnost saosjećanja sa drugim. U takvom nastojanju Šimić poseže za zvukom, koji potpisuje Mirza Rahmanović Indigo. Glavnu ulogu nosi Davor Golubović. 


Cijena ulaznice za prijemeru je 20 KM, a reprize 15 KM. Svi zainteresovani ulaznice mogu preuzeti u Galeriji Manifesto u Despićevoj 3. 


About the Event

The Gallery of Contemporary Art Manifesto is proud to announce the premiere of Alen Šimić's original project, “It’s In The Wind,” set to take place on Saturday, December 7, at 8:00 PM. Encore performances are scheduled for December 8 and 9.


In a time when physical health, nutrition, exercise, and even mental health and hygiene are commodified, while dominating public discourse, the concept of pain has paradoxically been relegated to the margins of interest—except for pharmaceutical companies. However, their domain, shaped by capitalist greed and neoliberal individualism, has contributed to the neglect of both physical and mental pain as collective and inescapable aspects of human experience.


The play “It’s In the Wind” delves into the phenomena of chronic pain, self-diagnosis, and self-treatment, which withstand both the pharmaceutical greed and the limits of human resilience. Beyond that, this play—marking the first staging of a dramatic work in a gallery space—examines and challenges our individual and collective capacity for empathy. In this exploration, Šimić integrates a soundscape crafted by Mirza Rahmanović Indigo, with the lead role performed by Davor Golubović.


Tickets for the premiere are priced at 20 KM, and 15 KM for the encore performances. Tickets can be purchased at the Manifesto Gallery, located at Despićeva 3.

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