O događaju
(English below)
Third Space:
O hibridnosti, svepripadanju i samoostvarenju
Why are you here they ask me
I don't know don't ask me
ManifestoLIVE muzički program do sada je ugostio niz autora_ica čiji muzički izričaj na specifičan način komunicirao s prostorom Galerije. Predstavljanje Hectora Gachana, australsko-bosanskoherecegovačkog kantautora sa škotskom adresom, dosljedan je nastavak takve prakse.
Pružajući priliku da se muzika doživi kao nefizički prostor društvene razmjene, Gachan narativnim stihovima i eklektičnim indie melodijama slušatelje suptilno vodi kroz procese intelektualnog sazrijevanja i duhovnog otkrivanja. Debitantski album naslovljen “Untitled 91” muzičko je preslikavanje potrage za domom i mjestom pripadanja, koje ujedno funkcionira kao oda Bosni. Drugi album “Care 2 Share” pak na još stilski autentičniji način hrabro secira društveno-kulturološku poziciju susreta Istoka i Zapada.
Can you see past your postcode?
If you see me will you let me know?
Geografija življenja je čini se uveliko odredila tematski i konceptualni pravac autorova samograđenja. Samouki muzičar, pjesnik i producent Hayam Gačanović u svoj alterego Hector Gachan sažima sve svoje identitete, domove, uticaje, kulture i pripadnosti. Tako umjetničko ime, idejno korespondirajući sa stilom i poetskim narativima, zaokružuje lik i djelo mladog čovjeka koji je društveno nepripadanje zamijenio umjetničkim svepripadanjem.
Upravo zato Gachanova muzika čas ima prizvuk Tame Impale, čas poetsku zanesenost sevdalinke, čas sintetički ton Gorillaz, a u stihove su utkana i najličnija sjećanja i pomna zapažanja o savremenom društvu. Hibridnost Hectorova izričaja, dakle nije puki eklekticizam, već iskreno prenošenje životnog iskustva u umjetnost i prihvatanje tog istog iskustva zahvaljujući muzici.
Along the way
Did you find your happy place?
Pojam hibridnog zajednički je nazivnik Galerije Manifesto i opusa Hectora Gachana. I u prvom i u drugom slučaju hibridnost je iskorištena kao princip djelovanja i stvaranja. Ona je, dakle, ništa drugo do emancipatorski odgovor na granice i ograničenja zadane geografijom i kulturološkim kontekstom. Funkcionirajući kao mjesto susreta (sa umjetnošću), Manifesto je postao društveni koliko i kulturni prostor. Savremene teorije sociologije kulture takve prostore označavaju kao treće prostore (engl. Third space) – one koji nisu ni radni ni domicijelni, već prostori namijenjeni odmoru, druženju i samoostvarenju (u Maslowljevom smislu).
Koristeći muziku kao alat samopronalaženja i samoostvarenja, Gachan ovu umjetničku formu pretvara u nefizički third space. Izvodeći performans u Manifestu svoj intimni treći prostor dijeli sa zajednicom, otvarajući pitanje o četvrtom (ne)prostoru – muzici kao vremenski ograničenom, geografski i fizički nedefinisanom prostoru uživanja.
Tell me I'm here
I think I've got too much on my mind
About the Event
Third Space:
About Hybridity, Belonging Everywhere, and Self-Realization
Why are you here they ask me
I don't know, don't ask me
The ManifestoLIVE music program has so far hosted several authors whose musical expression communicated in a specific way with the space of the Gallery. The presentation of Hector Gachan, an Australian-Bosnian-Herzegovinian singer-songwriter with a Scottish address, is a consistent continuation of such practice.
Providing an opportunity to experience music as a non-physical space of social exchange, Gachan subtly guides the audience through the processes of intellectual maturation and spiritual discovery with narrative lyrics and eclectic indie melodies. The debut album titled "Untitled 91" is a musical reflection of the search for home and a place of belonging, which also functions as an ode to Bosnia. The second album "Care 2 Share" bravely dissects the socio-cultural position of the meeting point of East and West in an even more authentic style.
Can you see past your postcode?
If you see me, will you let me know?
The geography of living seems to have largely determined the thematic and conceptual direction of the author's self-development. Self-taught musician, poet, and producer Hayam Gačanović summarizes all his identities, homes, influences, cultures, and affiliations in his alter ego Hector Gachan. Thus, the stage name, conceptually corresponding with the music style and poetic narratives, completes the character and work of a young man who replaced social non-belonging with artistic all-belonging.
This is precisely why Gachan's music sometimes has an undertone of Tame Impala, sometimes the poetic rapture of sevdalinka, sometimes the synthetic tone of Gorillaz, while the most personal memories and careful observations about contemporary society are woven into the lyrics. The hybridity of Hector's expression is therefore not mere eclecticism, but a sincere transfer of life experience into art and acceptance of that same experience thanks to music.
Along the way
Did you find your happy place?
The concept of hybrid is the common denominator of the Manifesto Gallery and Hector Gachan's work. In both cases, hybridity was used as a principle of action and creation. It is, therefore, nothing more than an emancipatory response to the boundaries and limitations set by geography and cultural context. Functioning as a place of meeting (with art), Manifesto has become a social as well as a cultural space. Contemporary theories of the sociology of culture designate such spaces as third spaces - those that are neither work nor domicile, but spaces intended for rest, socializing, and self-realization (in Maslow's sense).
Using music as a tool for self-discovery and self-realization, Gachan turns this art form into a non-physical third space. Performing at Manifesto, he shares his intimate third space with the community, opening up the question of the fourth (non)space – music as a time-limited, geographically and physically undefined space of enjoyment.
Tell me I'm here
I think I've got too much on my mind