O događaju
(English below)
Nakon što je ljetos privukla veliku pažnju berlinske javnosti, izložba Gatarbeiter 2.0 – Arbeit means Rad dolazi u Sarajevo. Otvorenje će biti upriličeno u petak, 04. oktobra s početkom u 20:00 sati.
Gastarbeiter 2.0 rezultat je umrežavanja kulturnih radnika_ca koje je rođenje vezalo za prostor bivše Jugoslavije, a život za područje Njemačke i obrnuto. Koncipirana kroz dvije rotirajuće postavke Gastarbeiter 2.1 i Gastarbeiter 2.2 izložba istražuje migracije, uslove rada i klasne odnose između Njemačke i bivše Jugoslavije.
Projekat Gastarbeiter 2.0 nastao je na inicijativu Bojana Stojčića, a ralizira se u partnerstvu organizacija Ambasada (Berlin) i Galerije Manifesto (Sarajevo). Kustosku koncepciju potpisuju Hannah Marquardt, Jelena Vukmanović, Andrej Mirčev, Bojan Stojčić i Adna Muslija.
Prva postavka Gastarbeiter 2.1 predstavit će dva kustoska nukleusa Tijelo i Transfer. U okviru navedenih nukleusa bit će izloženi radovi Kemila Bektešija, Alme Gačanin, Siniše Labrovića, Dejana Markovića, Mile Panić i Bojana Stojčića.
Na otvorenju izložbe bit će upriličena dva performansa. Performans legendarnog umjetnika Siniše Labrovića Rad na sebi bit će izveden tačno u 20:00 sati, dok će performans umjetnika Kemila Bektešija pod nazivom Euro Smile: Spomenik Gastarbeiterima biti upriličen u 20:30 sati.
Napomena: Performans Rad na sebi nije pogodan za mlađe od 16 godina.
Postavka Gastarbeiter 2.1 bit će otvorena do 20. oktobra, a svi zainteresovani mogu je pogledati u ustaljenim terminima, od utorka do subote u periodu od 12:00 do 20:00 sati, te nedjeljom od 12:00 do 14:00 sati.
About the event
After attracting significant attention from the Berlin public this summer, the exhibition Gastarbeiter 2.0 – Arbeit means Rad is coming to Sarajevo. The opening will take place on Friday, October 4th, starting at 8:00 PM.
Gastarbeiter 2.0 is the result of networking between cultural workers whose birth ties them to the former Yugoslavia and whose lives are connected to Germany and vice versa. Conceived through two rotating displays, Gastarbeiter 2.1 and Gastarbeiter 2.2, the exhibition explores migration, working conditions, and class relations between Germany and the former Yugoslavia.
The Gastarbeiter 2.0 project was initiated by Bojan Stojčić and is realized in partnership between the organizations Ambasada (Berlin) and Gallery Manifesto (Sarajevo). The curatorial concept is developed by Hannah Marquardt, Jelena Vukmanović, Andrej Mirčev, Bojan Stojčić, and Adna Muslija.
The first display, Gastarbeiter 2.1, will present two curatorial nuclei, Body and Transfer. These nuclei will showcase works by Kemil Bekteši, Alma Gačanin, Siniša Labrović, Dejan Marković, Mila Panić, and Bojan Stojčić.
At the opening of the exhibition, two performances will be held. The performance by legendary artist Siniša Labrović, Work on Yourself, will take place exactly at 8:00 PM, followed by the performance by artist Kemil Bekteši, titled Euro Smile: A Monument to Gastarbeiter, at 8:30 PM.
Note: The Work on Yourself performance is not recommended for individuals under the age of 16.
The Gastarbeiter 2.1 display will be open until October 20th, and all interested visitors can view it during the regular hours, from Tuesday to Saturday, between 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM, and on Sundays from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.