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Group Exibition

infinite authors


Sarajevo, BiH

About the exhibition 

(Bosanski ispod)


And what can I tell you?, is one of the few graffiti written in Sarajevo's Hrasno neighborhood. This graffiti is a quip that, consciously or unconsciously, opens several positions. On the one hand, the subjective position of the unknown author, who reproduces the frequent replica of apolitical, lethargic, but also hopeless. On the other hand, it functions as a self-referential question that arises when the wall and the graffiti become one: what and why can the walls speak to us?


This last question is the backbone of the experimental and participatory project "#". The Manifesto Gallery has been transformed into a space of free, uncontrolled, and uncensored expression. Dozens of people who took part in this participatory project became graffiti artists, writers, and street artists, and their traces on the walls of the gallery grew from an author's work into a collective and anonymous work. Through this project, which is conceived as an alternation of roles and possibilities of public spaces, the gallery becomes the counterpart of the street and heterotopia - a temporary, isolated space, radically different from its surroundings. Essentially, such a heterotopia represents the materialization of the potential of public space and what it could be if we truly dared to use it.




O izložbi

A šta da ti kadžem?, jedan je od nekolicine grafita ispisanih u sarajevskom naselju Hrasno. Ovaj grafit je dosjetka koja, svjesno ili nesvjesno, otvara nekoliko pozicija. S jedne strane, subjektivnu poziciju neznanog autora_ice, koji_a reproducira čestu repliku apolitičnog, letargičnog, ali i beznadežnog. S druge strane, funkcionira kao autoreferencijalno pitanje koje se nameće kada zid i grafit postaju jedno: šta nam i zašto, mogu govoriti zidovi?


Upravo je ovo posljednje pitanje okosnica eksperimentalnog i participativnog projekta “#”. Galerija Manifesto pretvorena je u prostor slobodnog, nekontrolisanog i necenzurisanog izražavanja. Desetine ljudi koji su učestvovali u ovom participativnom projektu postali su graffiteri_ke, writeri_ ke, ulični umjetnici_ce, a njihovi tragovi na zidovima galerije su iz autorskog prerasli u kolektivno i anonimno djelo. Kroz ovaj projekat koji je zamišljen kao alternacija uloga i mogućnosti javnih prostora, galerija postaje pandanom ulice i heterotopija – privremeni, izolirani prostor, radikalno drugačiji od svog okruženja. Suštinski, takva heterotopija predstavlja materijalizaciju potencijala javnog prostora i onoga što bi on mogao biti kada bismo se istinski odvažili da ga koristimo.


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