O događaju
(English below)
Galerija Manifesto sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje još jedno izdanje ManifestoLIVE programa u okviru kojeg će se predstaviti Cielo Hemon i Haris Sahačić. ManifestoLIVE održat će se u petak, 21. juna 2024. godine s početkom u 20:30 sati. Ulaznice možete preuzeti u Galeriji Manifesto u periodu od 12:00 do 20:00 sati po cijeni od 10 KM.
Cielo Hemon muzički je alter ego Aleksandra Hemona, pisca i scenariste koji živi i radi u Americi. Eklektičnog muzičkog izraza, Cielo donosi tonove i beatove nesuspregnute žanrovskim granicama. Kombinirajući melodije naglašenog ritma, od eksperimentalne elektro dance muzike, pa sve do afro house-a, Cielo Hemon reafirmiše moć muzike, plesa i pokreta.
Haris Sahačić je transdisciplinarni umjetnik, koji je završio studije eksperimentalnog radija na Bauhaus Univerzitetu u Weimaru. Svojim elektroakustičnim kompozicijama zvuka, Sahačić dekonstruira eter kao prostor akustike. U okviru ManifestoLIVE programa predstavit će svoj najrecentniji projekat “Skica za akustični akcent” – kompoziciju zvuka nastalu kao studiju odnosa akuzmatičnog akcenta i njegove komunikacije sa vjestački stvorenim kontekstom kao cjelinom.
About the Event
The Manifesto Gallery is pleased to announce the next edition of the ManifestoLIVE program, featuring performances by Cielo Hemon and Haris Sahačić. ManifestoLIVE will take place on Friday, June 21, 2024, starting at 8:30 P.M. Tickets are available for purchase at the Manifesto Gallery from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for 10 KM.
Cielo Hemon is the musical alter ego of Alexander Hemon, a writer and screenwriter based in the United States. Cielo's eclectic musical expression brings tones and beats that transcend genre boundaries. From experimental electro dance music to Afro house, Cielo Hemon combines melodies with distinct rhythms, reaffirming the power of music, dance, and movement.
Haris Sahačić is a transdisciplinary artist who studied experimental radio at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Through his electroacoustic sound compositions, Sahačić explores the ether as an acoustic space. As part of the ManifestoLIVE program, he will present his latest project, "Sketch for Acoustic Accent" – a sound composition that examines the relationship between acousmatic accent and its interaction with artificially created context as a cohesive whole.